My Role
There are so many companies that stand at a technology precipice. They have invested in technology to a certain point, they know they could do more, but they aren’t sure how to move forward. I have really carved a niche in helping those companies unlock their technological potential.
At CannonDesign, I have led a team that has helped solidify the company’s tech infrastructure, built out new capabilities around visualization, data analytics, digital products and more. We are advancing exciting conversations around artificial intelligence (AI), design technology and entrepreneurship. And, as all that has advanced, I have really brought more focus to how we consult our clients across health, education, science, workplace and beyond to achieve similar technology transformations.
There’s so much happening in the tech space right now and change is so rapid, it is inherently exciting work and the potential for real impact is significant.
What I love most about my role
Why stay in the design industry? People ask me that frequently as they point to other industries that are more tech advanced or more primed for technological change. My answer is that I have found real passion in working on the specific issues the design industry faces. I am invested in where the industry goes from here...and I like big challenges.
Beyond the technological realities of my work, I also enjoy nothing more than mentoring other professionals and helping people grow. It is a thrill to help people step out of their comfort zones and help them achieve real growth; to help them achieve things they previously considered unattainable. I have found opportunities for these – technological challenges, mentoring, stepping out of comfort zones – in the design industry, and that is what kept me here.
How I define success
Success and legacy are intricately connected for me. I think a lot about what I am leaving behind with my work and my actions each day. I will sometimes pause to look around and evaluate if the people and groups around me are achieving more than they thought they could do. If I can answer yes to that question, if I can feel like my efforts are consistently improving others’ lives, then that’s a recipe for a successful day, month, and career.
The best piece of business advice I ever received was
Be yourself, be confident in what you can do, and never waver in that belief. I live by that mantra.
There have been so many points in my career where I think, how could I possibly do this? But then I remember that mantra, build up my confidence, and work toward figuring it out. And it almost always works out. I think if you genuinely believe you can achieve something, then you will find a way to do it. You can solve that problem, you can lead that team, you can achieve that audacious goal.
I always tell people to raise their hands. You do not need to have the experience or all the answers on day one but raise your hand and seize opportunities. It’s by putting yourself in these new challenges that you will grow and prove to yourself that you are capable of more than you imagined. And the more you raise your hand, the easier it is to do so in the future. It is a muscle that grows stronger.
What would I tell my younger self
I would tell younger Brooke that it is totally fine she does not have it all figured out. I would tell that to anyone at any age. Our lives and our careers are about constant discovery and reinvention. And, if you get to a place where you are no longer happy, you can change it up.
It’s important to look forward to your future even if you don’t know what it will be like – living in a state of surprise and wonder is fun. Oh, and do not forget to raise your hand.
What 2B Bolder mean to me
I recently discovered 2B Bolder and have been very inspired by the women sharing their stories. There are moments of inspiration, vulnerability and mentorship embedded in these podcasts and blog posts that will help people. You can feel the community throughout the content. I am honored to have a chance to share my story.
Years of Experience
I have worked in technology since 2003 and have loved every minute of the journey. I was able to become the CIO of a major design company before the age of 40.
I recommend you focus on developing these 3 skills to succeed in a role like mine
Leadership, influence, and empowering others
Relationship building
Synthesizing and communicating complex ideas