My Role
I help the CEO execute his vision and implement long-term strategies that not only solve for today’s problems but for the next 5-10 years. The dental industry is rapidly consolidating, and the technology in place simply isn’t capable of supporting this growth. As a subset of healthcare, dental has unique challenges. This is where I come in; it’s my job to deeply understand industry dynamics and disseminate them to our team.
What I love most about my role
Everything. We are on the precipice of the next general of electronic health records. Our technology is nimble which gives us the opportunity to create real change. It’s not every day that one has the opportunity to lead in this way; it’s humbling, challenging, and exciting all at the same time.
How I define success
I think at this point in my life I define success in many different ways, but I think the most important is to find joy in the work you do.
I guess the next question is, how do you find joy? Well, that comes with knowing yourself. I believe each and every one of us is capable of greatness. How we define greatness may vary, but when you are pursuing the things you love, the things that physically ring true to you - it’s then that you have found true success.
The best piece of business advice I ever received was
Early on in my career, I’ll never forget sitting in the storeroom atop the first Tender Greens, a restaurant group in LA that sold for 100 million; this was obviously before we got an actual office. I prepped a company-wide email to the leadership teams of seven locations that oversaw 400-500 employees.
And I’ll never forget what the CFO, David Dressler told me, “Write it so a 9-year-old can understand it.”
Leadership takes meticulous communication skills and in order to lead everyone must understand you.
What would I tell my younger self
I get this question a lot, but I feel it’s misleading. I wouldn’t be where I am today had I not gone through all of the experiences that lead to this point.
However, what I would say to young people pursuing a career is to say yes a lot. Opportunities will show themselves in your life, but they don’t always look how you think they will. But say yes, even if you fail. Failure is the best thing that can happen to you. Fail fast and often when you are young. Failure forces us to engage our critical thinking, examine what went wrong, and to learn what we could have done differently.
Secondly, be humble. Ask colleagues with more wisdom and experience out to lunch. Build a network of relationships, and from there you never know what is around the next bend. Humility will keep you grounded and open to learning.
What 2B Bolder mean to me
A lot of people say that women need to be bolder. And while there is some truth to that. I challenge this way of thinking. The onus of change shouldn’t fall solely on the shoulder of those fighting for it. It should fall on the facilitators and systems that uphold inequities.
In tech, we cannibalize ourselves all the time. Steve Jobs would never have created the iphone if he wasn’t willing to cannibalize the iPod. As humans, we have incredible potential for innovation, but I think that will only come when those with privilege are willing to challenge the status quo. That is boldness.
Years of Experience
I recommend you focus on developing these 3 skills to succeed in a role like mine
1. Self-awareness and accountability - a willingness to admit when I am wrong.
2. Understanding cost-benefit analysis.
3. A constant willingness to learn.